VT RADIO: Criminality in Government

VT's Etienne de la Boetie2 talks Freedom and How To Escape the Machine


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VT’s Etienne de la Boetie2 joins host Johnny Punish in a lively energetic honest discussion about criminality in government not just in the USA but around the world.ย  Together, they discuss freedom from wage slavery and what it means to be really free!

Etienne de la Boetie is the founder of theย Art of Liberty Foundation, the author ofย โ€œGovernmentโ€ โ€“ The Biggest Scam in Historyโ€ฆ Exposed!ย and the editor of theย Art of Liberty Daily Newsย on Substack andย Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media. All his important links can be found atย LinkTr.ee/ArtOfLibertyย Theย Artย of Liberty Foundation is a start-up public policy organization focused on spreading voluntaryist/libertarian ideas through effective media tailored to visual learners, busy people, and short attention spans.ย  The foundation produces books, articles, podcasts, memes, videos, infographics, and monographs that explain the basics of voluntaryism and libertarianism while exposing the illegitimacy, illogic, and immorality of government in addition to its criminality and corruption.